Lawrence Co., TN
Look-up Volunteers

We are starting all over with the list of volunteers for Lawrence County. Many of the email addresses to individuals who previously did lookups were no longer working, or they no longer wished do lookups. The whole list has been wiped clean, so we can start over. If you are willing to do lookups free for researchers, please let me know by sending an email to the Lawrence County Archives. If you own Lawrence County books, will go to an archives or courthouse, take a picture of a cemetery, lookup census through, etc., we would love to add your name to the list.


1. Ask for only one look-up for one surname at a time, unless the person you contact tells you they will do multiple look-ups.

2. If you want copies of information found, the person doing the look-up may charge you for the cost of copies and postage. You should send the money before receiving the copies.

3. If a volunteer is listed in a category as volunteering to go to a courthouse, cemetery, archives or library for you, you can be charged for copies, postage and for gas to travel to and from the destination.

4. Remember these are volunteers and do not abuse their services.  

5. Always thank a volunteer.

Another good source for free lookups is the RAOGK (Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness) web page. Individuals from many counties in many states have volunteered to look up information for free in courthouses, books, take pictures of tombstone, etc.  Depending on what you request of the volunteer, you may be charged for mileage, parking fees, copies, postage, film, video. All of these can be found under one web site for convenience. Just remember, there are rules to follow when requesting lookups and some counties do not have any volunteers. Also, if someone does a lookup for you, RAOGK requests that you return the favor by doing at least one lookup from your county for someone.

On most of the usgenweb pages for each county, there are usually volunteers listed to do limited lookups.

Lawrence County Reference Books

Reference BookLookup Volunteer
We have many books and other sources we can checked for you. A little later, we will do research for individuals also. Kathy & Lawrence Niedergeses

Lawrence Co., At Rest Cemetery
Records and Supplement 1

Doris Pullen Jenkins

Lawrence Co. At Rest Cemetery
Records and Supplement 1

Margaret Freemon

Law. Co. At Rest Cemetery Records & Supplement 1

Betty Liberty

Law. Co. At Rest Cemetery Records and Supplement 1 - 5

Wallace Palmore

Lawrence Co. Marriage Records 1818-1999

Margaret Freemon

Lawrence Co. Marriage Records 1818-1999

Wallace Palmore

Lawrence Co. Census Records

Margaret Freemon

Lawrence Co. Census 1820-1920

Wallace Palmore

Census of 15th District (West Point, Pinkney, etc. area)

Barbara Welch Stevenson Searches Doris Pullen Jenkins Searches Doris James Searches

Betty Liberty

"Springer's in the South" by Coffey & Mobley Barbara Welch Stevenson
"The Kith and Kin of Capt. James Leeper and Susan Drake His Wife"Barbara Welch Stevenson
"History of West Point"  by Paul Welch Barbara Welch Stevenson
"Goodspeed's Histories of  Lawrence, Giles and Wayne Counties" published 1887Barbara Welch Stevenson
"Bugger Saga" by Wade Pruitt Barbara Welch Stevenson
Welch & Drake Family Info Barbara Welch Stevenson
Giles Co. Cemetery Records

Doris Pullen Jenkins


The CD Collection

CD Title VolunteerE-mail

Family History Books

Family History BookOwned ByEmail


Last updated February 18, 2019 by Kathy Niedergeses

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